Sunday, January 16, 2011

Symbols on Sunday

Acorns. Deceptively small and simple. Squirrels love them. Yet, these small nuts are in a crucial stage of a life cycle. They hold within them the genetic information that will eventually become a tall, broad oak.

You cannot make an acorn turn into anything else. You can stop the acorn from growing, but it will always be meant to become an oak tree. This is what I love about acorns.

Likewise, humans have a mighty potential. We have many weaknesses: we fight, we hate, we make mistakes. But there is only one thing we are meant to become: like God. We are His children, His heirs, and nothing can ever change that. By our own choosing, we can stop ourselves from growing. We can choose not to plant or nourish the acorn. But the potential is always there.

1 comment:

  1. Well said! And great analogy too!

    Sometimes it is hard to see the potential in ourselves. We, like the acorn, only see ourselves (and others) as the humble acorn, not knowing that within each of us lies the mighty oak, hidden away.
