Monday, February 21, 2011

Kitties of Awesome

If I could be any animal, I would be a cat. Probably a big kitty, like a tiger, but a kitty nonetheless. I love cats. My true love was a cat. His name was Whiskers, and he was my best bud from the first grade to the day I left for college.

He was a dear friend and member of the family.

And he was so handsome!

But he got old and died a few days before I left home for college. So our family adopted a baby-brother-kitty. Meet Samwise.

He likes baskets apparently.

Kitties have been an important part of my life. They meow and they purr and they sleep on your bed at night (and during the day, too) and they sit on the piano bench with you while you practice and they play in the snow and they lick the tears off your face and they are just all-around awesome!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for kitties of awesome!

    I used to have a cat - I named her Kitty-Kitty-Koochoo. Why I named her that, I don't know, but it was perfect! She was purrfect! OK, I'm showing my silly side a bit. :P Anyways, she actually looked very much like your Whiskers, except she had more white along her belly.

    My brother also had a cat, Kitty-Koochoo's brother in fact (instead of orange though he had black coloring), and on my suggestion he named him Moocher... well, because he was a moocher. He had the most sensational and unbelievable hearing - he could be outside, nowhere in sight, and as soon as you started opening up a can of food inside the house he'd come tearing inside meowing like crazy, begging for food. He was perfect too.
